Teachers of deaf children are special people. Educating deaf children includes challenges that are often not recognized. For one, the teacher needs to know sign language. If the teacher is deaf, they probably already know sign language, but if the teacher is hearing they may need to learn it. If the students know sign language that is a plus, but there are many times when deaf children in developing countries do not know sign language and have no way of communicating other than pointing and body language. Teaching deaf children to read, when they cannot hear how to “sound out” the word, is another challenge. Deaf Child Hope International believes teachers are a critical component to giving deaf children hope and a future. A deaf teacher sponsorship is $48 a month. You can view the teachers available for sponsorship below.

Nguyen Thi Phuong Thuy


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Madrine Katusiime


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Rogers Karasanyi


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Pham Hoang Bich


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Trinh Quang Hoa


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